K-12 Enrollment

The Enrollment Process

1 - Request Initial Information Packet

Once you have submitted the enrollment interest form (on the right) we will send some general information and will set up a one-to-one meeting on Zoom so you can get your individual questions answered.

2 - Attend a 1-on-1 or Small Group Session with a Principal

At your 1-to-1 meeting we will try to get all of your questions answered to help you determine if Prism North America is a good fit for you.

3 - Submit Application

If after the meeting with the Principal you believe Prism is a fit for your family, you will complete the enrollment packet.

4 - Enrollment Approval

The admissions committee will review your application and determine approval upon receipt of the final application packet. A determination letter will be issued within two weeks. If accepted for enrollment you will have two weeks to complete the registration process.

Important Dates

K-12 Enrollment for the 2024-25 school year opens in March of 2024. Priority enrollment ends in March 2024. After this time, we will continue to enroll students on a rolling basis, for grade levels that do not have a wait list.

March 1, 2024: K-12th Grade Priority Enrollment Opens for the 2024-25 School Year

March 15, 2024: K-12th Grade Priority Enrollment Deadline

July 24, 2024: FINAL Enrollment Deadline for 2024-25 First Quarter

October 20, 2024: Enrollment Deadline for 2024-25 Second Quarter

If you are interested in enrolling your student in the 2024-25 school year, please take a moment to fill out the enrollment interest form (located above).

**Please note: Kindergarten Age Requirements are determined on a state-by-state basis. Students are required to meet the age requirements for their state to enroll in Prism North America.

Interest Form :

2024-25 Priority Enrollment opens on March 1.
Interested families can complete Step 1 anytime to learn more about our programs. Once we receive your pre-application form we will schedule a one-to-one meeting for your family.